Mark Gray
Product Lead – ProductI've been working in product roles for the last 12 years, starting out in the iGaming industry before deciding I'd quite like to work somewhere that was making the world a slightly better place, rather than a slightly worse one and moving into EdTech and most recently animal care. I came to Nourish as it sounded like they really cared about the impact they were having on people's lives and were at a really exciting point in their growth, launching lots of new products and initiatives.
- Before product management I made a living playing and coaching online poker, something which saw me move to Costa Rica for a couple of years where I won a tournament for $50,000 (that money didn't last all that long).
- I have a long history of falling asleep on trains which has seen me wake up in Coventry, Northampton, Milton Keynes, Three Bridges among other places.
- Physicist Michael Faraday is my great, great, great, great uncle. I inherited none of his intelligence.