Rich Lafferty
Care Support Lead – ProductI am absolutely thrilled to be joining Nourish. I have a deep passion for
mental health, neurodiversity, healthtech, person-centred care, and human
rights. And, after over 15 years in the NHS, I'm incredibly excited to find
a company that aligns so perfectly with my values and beliefs.
In a previous life I was an IT engineer and when I first joined the NHS
over 15 years ago, coming from a paperless office, we needed to complete
handwritten documentation in huge paper files. I remember thinking
technology, and digital transformation (not sure that was a thing back
then) more widely, could make clinicians lives so much easier and, much
more importantly, hugely improve patient care.
I have never lost that drive to utilise technology to improve patient care.
So, I am delighted to be joining a company that is doing just that!
I am a mental health Nurse. I have a BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing,
an MA in Human Rights Law and I have completed several therapeutic
trainings including: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Solution-Focused Brief
Therapy and Group Analysis (Foundation). Further to this I have delivered
lectures on post graduate courses on a number of subjects, such as Managing
Risk and Child and Adolescent Liaison Psychiatry.
Over the years I have predominantly specialised in Child and Adolescent
Mental Health (CAMHS), as well as Psychosis, and Forensic Dangerous and
Severe Personality Disorder (DSPD). I have worked with caseloads that are
specifically high complexity and high risk, generally. I particularly
enjoyed working in A&E managing mental health crises with significant risk
to self and / or others.
I have developed a strong interest in neurodiversity, particularly autism,
having been struck by the huge disparity in the care received in comparison
to the more neurotypical population. I have been involved in interesting
projects from creating an appropriate low stimulus space in an A&E
department, to a digital app for safety plans that are more engaging for a
neurodiverse population.
I am also very interested in data, and particularly data science within
healthcare - if we don't measure it, we can't improve it.
On a more personal note, I am a dad to an amazing 5 year old girl. She is
my whole world. I absolutely love being her dad.
I am a huge music fan. When I first lived in London I think, on average, I
would go to 4 or 5 gigs a week. It seems like a lifetime ago being that
young and apparently not needing sleep. Music is my therapy, I am never
happier than when I am standing in the middle of a muddy field, making
Travel is something I am also very passionate about. If I haven't got a
trip planned in the diary, I may be a *little *grumpy.
I am someone that gets enthusiastic about things, so could carry on far too
long about my passions, but I'll save you from that.
Finally 3 facts about me:
- I have jumped the highest bungee jump in the world.
- I have ran 3 marathons.
- I once bought tickets to see a band play in LA on a whim, and then had to
convince my partner we needed a holiday to California.